US Phone Lists
135 Million
16 Million
114 Million
Build and download your own custom cold calling lists for USA or Canada, consumers or businesses. Select from cell phones, landlines, business phones, and more!
If you are interested in custom lists, you can build your own based on your particular specifications.
Simply choose your location, whether it’s by zip code, county, city, state, or nationwide, and select your target based on demographics including age, income, credit, homeowner status, business, or residential. Request a count for more details.
Custom lists help you to target your best customer. Creating custom lists involves doing the necessary research to provide valuable consumer and business demographics for a particular business and then targeting your call list accordingly. This practice saves you time and money in the sales process and leads to higher conversion rates. We offer lists with thousands of entries for focused targeting in a particular industry or niche. You can use these lists for outbound telemarketing in combination with mailing follow-ups for better results.
Some of our niche groups for custom lists include Homeowners or Renters in a certain income bracket and businesses by industry with a range of revenue or total employees.
When custom information is available to your telemarketing sales team, they are in a better position to tailor their call script to create better customer engagement and sales. Custom lists also reduce the sheer volume of calls your sales team needs to make to establish call engagement. With more generic lists, telemarketing generally involves two or more calls. The first call is used to establish the customer's needs and contact person. The second call is then used to communicate the goods or services to the established contact.
Custom lists enable your sales team to reduce the calls needed to make the sales pitch. Prospects in custom lists can be identified based on several important factors including household income, home value, or business size. We offer these lists after a comprehensive qualification process to determine the accuracy of the information contained in them. You can depend on us to provide only useful information about the best prospects for your business.
What’s the difference between a list of industry-specific telemarketing leads and a generic list of business sales leads? Industry-specific call lists can save your team time because they include the contact information for people in the specific market niche you’re targeting, while a generic list of sales leads may include records for thousands of people who are outside of your target market.
This means a generic list may waste your team’s time and resources on leads who simply don’t have a legitimate need for the products or services you’re selling. It also means that industry-specific calling lists are more valuable than lists of generic sales leads.
When you’re looking for cold call lists for sale by industry, it’s important that you’re able to get a customized list based on demographics for the industries you’re targeting. At TelephoneLists.Biz, we have calling lists for sale by industry that can be filtered in accordance with various demographics, including:
Annual sales revenue
Number of employees
Title of contact
SIC business code
Industry description
And more!
Being able to sort a list using demographics gives you the ability to contact your best prospects first, which can lead to more sales faster. Since industry-specific calling lists have the ability to yield more sales in a comparatively shorter period of time, why wouldn’t you shop for call lists for sale by industry instead of a generic list of sales leads that can’t be filtered based on demographics?
Buying industry-specific call lists from TelephoneLists.Biz isn’t just easy — it’s also affordable. For business leads, all you have to do is choose the industry and locations you want to target, and you’ll create a custom list of sales leads based on the demographics you choose. With a minimum order of just $99 and our per-lead price dropping significantly after the first 10,000 leads you buy, our custom lists will fit into any budget.
Chat with us online or complete our contact form to learn more today.
Get access to our phone lists to supercharge your telemarketing efforts with our extensive database.
Our web portal lets you filter and customize your data as you need it by demographic. Monthly plans with no contracts. Unused leads roll over for active customers.
/ month
All demographics
USA & Canada
Consumer & Business
No Contracts
/ month
All demographics
USA & Canada
Consumer & Business
No Contracts
/ month
All demographics
USA & Canada
Consumer & Business
No Contracts
/ month
All demographics
USA & Canada
Consumer & Business
No Contracts
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Check out our most commonly asked questions below to find the information you need.
You can buy cold calling lists easily through an online platform such as You can either purchase in bulk by state or province or choose by more detailed filters.
You can get leads for cold calling easily by selecting parameters and filters in our web portal and then downloading a CSV list.
Building a cold call list is easy through a special web platform, such as You can log in, search by location and then filter by demographics.
You can get cold call lists for telemarketing at at affordable prices and with different filtering possibilities.
Quickly classify sales leads by income level, home owner-status, age and more by choosing filters in a web platform like