Get the absolute maximum value by purchasing telemarketing leads in bulk by zip, state, province, or country.
Get access to our phone lists and email data to supercharge your telemarketing efforts with our extensive database.
We provide consumer and business lists in both the US and Canada. Lists come in CSV format broken down by zip code for ease of use along with the full files.
Our lists provide essential information for both consumer and business markets in the US and Canada. Consumer lists include name, address, and phone number. Commercial lists feature business name, address, phone number, and industry.
For consumers, these lists include both cell phones and landline numbers along with extensive demographic information such as home-owner status, age, and income. Business lists include contact names, annual revenue, number of employees, and website data. Available exclusively on USA lists.
Prefer to buy in bulk by state or country and save money? Comes in CSV files broken down by zip codes so you can manage your data in Excel.
USA Consumer List
USA Business List
Canada Consumer List
Canada Business List
Purchase our phone leads in bulk to get significant discounts. You can purchase all the residential or business numbers in an entire state of province for justr one flat price! That means you’re looking at just a small fraction of a penny per lead. Or take it a step further and buy the entire country at a massive discount. if you order at least 2 states, you’ll receive $40 discount on each state you purchase.
Business lists in bulk come broken down in CSV format by zip codes along with the full state files. The bulk consumer USA lists and Canada lists are comprised of landline and mobile numbers. The business bulk lists include the primary business number.
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