Church Email Lists

Use our web portal to quickly create an email list of churches. Filter by religious denominations, church size, and more!

Church Email Lists

How to Generate a Church Email List

Choose Web Portal Plan

Pick a plan depending on the amount of church email leads you wish to download.

Choose Businesses

Select a business email list search

Search & Filter Your Leads

Pick the locations for your church list and filters such as denominations, size, or annual revenue.

Download Church Email List

Select the amount of leads you want, and then download to a CSV file. Works great in dialers and CRM systems.

View List of Full Demographic Filters and CSV Headers

What is a Church Email List?

 Church Email Lists are a comprehensive database containing the contact information of churches across various denominations and geographical locations. This valuable resource is designed to help businesses, organizations, and individuals connect with churches in a seamless and efficient manner. With access to a well-structured church email list, you can easily reach out to churches for a wide array of purposes, including fundraising, event invitations, marketing, or simply fostering relationships and partnerships within the religious community.

What type of church denominations come with the email lists?

 Our Church Email Lists are diverse and cover a wide range of denominations, ensuring that you can find the specific churches you’re interested in. Some of the denominations included in our database are Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Pentecostal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and many more. Our commitment to providing a thorough and up-to-date list ensures you have access to the most extensive collection of church denominations available.

  • Churches, temples, and shrines
  • Apostolic Church
  • Assembly of God Church
  • Baptist Church
  • Brethren Church
  • Buddhist temple
  • Catholic Church
  • Christian and Reformed Church
  • Christian Reformed Church
  • Christian Science Church
  • Church of the Nazarene
  • Church of Christ
  • Church of God
  • Community Church
  • Covenant and Evangelical Church
  • Episcopal Church
  • Greek Orthodox Church
  • Inter-denominational church
  • Lutheran Church
  • Mennonite Church
  • Methodist Church
  • Miscellaneous denomination church
  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church)
  • Non-denominational church
  • Pentecostal Church
  • Presbyterian Church
  • Reformed Church
  • Seventh Day Adventist Church
  • Shrines
  • Synagogue
  • Temples
  • Mosques

What data is included in the email list?

 Our Church Email List contains not only email addresses but also other vital information that can enhance your outreach efforts. The data provided includes church name, denomination, phone number, postal address, website URL, and contact person’s name, whenever available. This comprehensive data set enables you to craft personalized and targeted communications that can help you build strong connections with your desired church audience.


Consumer Lists Download Sample

What format does the list come in?

 The list of churches with emails will come in CSV format.  That’s the standard and you will be able to load it into Excel, a dialer, or your CRM system easily.

 What are the benefits of buying a church email list?

 Purchasing Church Email Lists can greatly enhance your outreach efforts, whether you’re seeking support for a cause, promoting products or services, or fostering relationships within the religious community. By having access to accurate and up-to-date contact information, you can significantly improve the efficiency of your marketing campaigns, saving time and resources. Moreover, a targeted email list allows you to engage in personalized and relevant communication, resulting in higher response rates and stronger connections with your target audience.

 How do I search for church emails?

 Our Church Email List comes with an intuitive web portal that enables you to easily search for church emails based on various criteria such as geographical location and religious denomination. This user-friendly interface allows you to quickly filter and sort the data to find the specific churches you’re interested in, streamlining your research and outreach efforts.

What format does the list come in?

 The Church Email List is provided in a versatile and easy-to-use CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. This ensures compatibility with a wide range of software applications and platforms, including Excel, Google Sheets, and CRM systems. This format allows you to easily import, sort, filter, and manage the data according to your specific needs and requirements.

How much do your church email lists cost?

 The cost of our Church Email List depends on the size and scope of your requirements. Pricing is between 7 cents and 14 cents depending on the amount of data you need.  For detailed information on our pricing structure and to receive a custom quote tailored to your needs, please contact our sales team.

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