US Phone Lists
135 Million
16 Million
114 Million
Find your next customers with Canadian telemarketing lists targeting consumers or businesses.
Purchase Canada phone lists in bulk to get significant discounts. Just $299 per province or $999 for all of Canada. You can purchase all the residential or business numbers in an entire Canadian province for one flat price! That means you’re looking at just a small fraction of a penny per lead.
Canada consumer lists come broken down by postal codes and include name, address, and phone number for each contact.
Canada business lists come broken down by postal codes and include business name, address, industry, and phone number for each record. These Canada landline and mobile number lists come with data for your marketing campaigns and are provided to you presorted by postal code and by area code. Great Cold Calling Lists and Canada Voter Lists to reach more people by phone or mail.
Get access to our phone lists to supercharge your telemarketing efforts with our extensive database.
Our easy to use web portal allows for users to find and download the exact Canadian leads lists they need.
Target your locations by choosing postal codes, cities, counties, provinces, or search nationwide.
Choose from demographics such as homeowners, age, and income, or search by business industry for commercial leads.
Download your leads in CSV format. This opens in Excel and is compatible with dialers and CRM systems.
Plans renew each month, but you can suspend any time and come back later. Unused leads rollover for active customers. offers effective telemarketing lists for campaigns in Canada. We provide residential and business lists via web portal or in bulk to give the highest value.
Our Canada lists help your telemarketing team generate a high response rate for leads and conversion to targets in Canada. Targeting Canadian businesses and consumers is easier when you use call lists based on geographic location or specific business industries.
Our consumer and B2B telemarketing lists contain enough information to enable your telemarketing team to target and convert sales by location for consumers or by industry for businesses. These cost-effective lists are a great resource for call campaigns in Canada and also make great mailing lists.
If you’ve just started working with Canada telemarketing lists for a living, you may not be familiar with how you should conduct yourself when you’re reaching out to prospects on a given Canada phone number list. If you’ve gotten one Canada phone list to sell one thing and another to sell something else, you might take a different approach when you use each of them.
You may use different scripts for each list of prospects, but there are some basic phone etiquette best practices you can employ across the board to increase the chances that you’ll close some sales. The first thing you should do is screen your list for people who are on the Canada no-call list and remove them. One of the quickest ways to turn a prospect off is by calling someone who doesn’t want to be contacted. With that in mind, it’s critical that you check the Canada no-call list registry before you start calling people if you’re telemarketing.
When custom information is available to your telemarketing sales team, they are in a better position to tailor their call script to create better customer engagement and sales. Custom lists also reduce the sheer volume of calls your sales team needs to make to establish call engagement. With more generic lists, telemarketing generally involves two or more calls. The first call is used to establish the customer's needs and contact person. The second call is then used to communicate the goods or services to the established contact.
Custom lists enable your sales team to reduce the calls needed to make the sales pitch. Prospects in custom lists can be identified based on several important factors including household income, home value, or business size. We offer these lists after a comprehensive qualification process to determine the accuracy of the information contained in them. You can depend on us to provide only useful information about the best prospects for your business.
In addition to screening your list for individuals who are on the Canada no-call list, you should use these phone etiquette tips when you talk to prospects on the phone: Identify yourself at the beginning of each call Know what you’re going to say or have a script ready before placing a call Don’t let others interrupt you when you have a prospect on the line Make everyone you speak with your only priority until the call is over Avoid becoming distracted while you’re on the phone by removing the things that may cause you to lose focus from your workspace Speak in a tone that is low and conveys confidence.
Our web portal lets you filter and customize your data as you need it by demographic. Monthly plans with no contracts. Unused leads roll over for active customers.
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